Wellbeing Guide 2024
Adult Carers Referral Form
Young Carers Self Referral Form
Are you a carer?
We're here to help
Young Carers Professional Referral Form
telford and wrekin
all age carers centre
we care because you care
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Take Notice
01952 240209
Getting out into the community, joining in, learning, giving and connecting is proven to increase everyone's wellbeing and this especially applies to carers, who often commit a great deal of their time to caring, with little time for themselves.
Supporting the national '5 Ways to Wellbeing' initiative, we encourage carers towards as much independence from their caring role as they can manage - whatever their age.
Why not take that step outside your comfort zone and come and join in with one of our many activities - any costs will be stated, otherwise all are free of charge - you've nothing to lose and only wellbeing to gain!
Give us a call on 01952 240209 - you'll be sure of a warm welcome!
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