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Wellbeing Guide 2024
Adult Carers Referral Form
Young Carers Self Referral Form
Are you a carer?
We're here to help
Young Carers Professional Referral Form
telford and wrekin
all age carers centre
we care because you care
Come and join us . . .
Call 01952 and ask for Linda email
If you're over 16 and under 18, you'll be registered as a young carer. This means you'll meet one of friendly team (usually at your school or college) and have a chat about what your caring role is.
We'll then arrange a home visit with your parent/guardian to have a chat with them and sign a few consent documents so you can register (things like permission to go on trips, have social media photographs taken etc).
You'll then be able to take advantage of everything we offer for your age group including information, advice, regular school drop-ins, and attending both young carer (Youth Club) and young adult carer (Inbetweeners) social activities - trips, events, training and lots more.
If you are over 18 and under 25, you'll be registered as an adult carer, and we don't need your parents' permission.
You'll first have a chat over the phone with one of our friendly Wellbeing Checkpoint team members about what you do as a carer, and any worries you've got about what you do.
Once you've decided you want to register, you'll be sent an introductory Welcome pack and also we'll pass your details on to Lucie and she will be in touch with you about getting involved with our young adult carers group activities through Inbetweeners.
Route 1 to registration
Route 2 to registration
It's as easy as that!
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