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Wellbeing Guide 2024
Are you a carer?
We're here to help
Adult Carers Referral Form
Young Carers Self Referral Form
Young Carers Professional Referral Form

telford and wrekin
all age carers centre
we care because you care

You care for someone,
but who cares about you?
We give free information, advice and support to
unpaid family carers* who look after a relative or friend and live in Telford and Wrekin
We also provide age appropriate activities in both mental and physical health and recreational areas and have school holiday programmes for children and young people -
here is just an idea of our provision during 2023!
for Adult Carers 18+
for Inbetweeners (16-24)
for Young Carers 5-18
*our service supports young carers 5-18 who look after someone of any age
and adult carers of 18+ who look after someone of 18+
Wellbeing Groups across Telford
Hoo Farm
Pamper Sessions
Trentham Gardens
Gentle Movement Taster
Autumnal Craft & Cosy event
Wrekin and Surrounds Outdoor
Carers Rights Day event
Meal at The Swan Hotel
Fish and Chips Quiz Night
Carers Walks
Tea and Tech Sessions
Sketching Bowring Park
Carers Christmas Party
Interactive Treasure Hunt
Movie Night
Pizza Night and Bowling
Evening Walk and Picnic
Wellbeing Box project
Carers Week Party
Drayton Manor Park
Barmouth Day Trip
Rafting on the Severn
Ice Skating
Wellbeing Cafe 'Cook Off'
Outdoor Theatre Trip
NHS Health Champions Residential
Carers Policy Forum
Youth Clubs (5-11 & 12-18)
Sports Coaching Weekly
Leo Loco Circus Skills
Drayton Manor Park (Family)
Adventure Golf
Wellbeing/Resilience Workshops
Theatre Trip
Carers Week Party
Trentham Gardens (Family)
"Ministry of Science Live"
Christmas Parties
Working with Radio Shropshire
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