Wellbeing Guide 2024
Are you a carer?
We're here to help
Adult Carers Referral Form
Young Carers Self Referral Form
Young Carers Professional Referral Form

telford and wrekin
all age carers centre
we care because you care
Telford and Wrekin Wellbeing

Just some members of our
fantastic new My Choice team!
If you are a registered carer, want to register as a carer, or have carers issues:
Continue to call the main
All Age Carers Centre
number and email
on 01952 240209
After much hard work and input from everyone within the organisation during 2018/19 including the All Age Carers Centre, Telford and Wrekin CVS has achieved its vision of providing a new information and advice service throughout the borough delivering a 'Think Family' approach.
Brought to fruition at the beginning of October 2019 with the award of a long term service contract by Telford and Wrekin Council, the new Wellbeing Independence Partnership (Telford and Wrekin) - known as the WIP - is a collaboration of current information and advice providers from the voluntary sector.
Bringing together the current services from My Choice and the Telford and Wrekin CVS All Age Carers Centre, it will continue to deliver information and advice for people in Telford who have care and support needs with a seamless connecting service advising them what is available in their local communities and, if necessary, making referrals into social care for formal care assessments.
New partners are Age UK and Taking Part the former supporting older people and the latter people of working age. All team members are now located at The Glebe Centre ensuring the best opportunity to find quick and direct solutions to people's needs. With high levels of skills and knowledge, right across the sector, being shared - together with closer professional friendships being made across the partnership - the service 'hit the ground running' in on the 1st October 2019 and The Glebe is a hive of new ideas for giving communities across Telford the best support possible.