Wellbeing Guide 2024
Adult Carers Referral Form
Young Carers Self Referral Form
Are you a carer?
We're here to help
Young Carers Professional Referral Form
telford and wrekin
all age carers centre
we care because you care
Be a volunteer
Volunteering is a simple concept - it's about giving up your time to do something useful for free - something you usually have a strong interest in, or for a cause you believe in.
Being a volunteer for Telford and Wrekin All Age Carers Service is an incredibly worthwhile way to spend some of your spare time. All our carers benefit so much from the energy our volunteers put into their role and their help is a crucial and valued part of the support we provide. Friendships have been made for life, and our carers, young and older, say how much it means to them to have a stable and consistent presence in their lives, whether the period of volunteering is short or long.
Easy, flexible, friendly and relaxed induction process
Free DBS check
Friendly training covering everything you need to know about your role
Ongoing support
Six months minimum commitment if possible for Befriending and Phone Friends. Flexible commitment for Activities - see Volunteer Role descriptions for more details.
Perfect introduction to careers with children, young people, older people or working in the care sector generally (teaching/youth work/health and social care etc)
Great addition to your CV or Personal Statement for further/higher education or employment applications.
Youth Club Activities Assistant
Holiday/Half Term Activities Assistant
Phone Friend
Role Descriptions
Why volunteer?
​There are all sorts of reasons why someone might volunteer for us - here are just some of them, although our volunteers can span all age groups and areas of support, whatever their own age.
We have 16-25 year olds as Activity Assistants for the primary age group. Many volunteer to gain experience and skills for college/university entry. Enthusiastic and idealistic, they literally 'get down with the kids' - they've not long since been children themselves! Playing and encouraging, chatting about all the latest crazes with the carers, they often role model a quiet confidence in who they are, where they want to go and what they want to be.
Those spanning the middle years, who may become Activity Assistants for secondary age carers, or Befrienders to individual children, are often looking
for a change of direction, getting experience in a different field from their working life, or perhaps using volunteering as a stepping stone to employment to gain confidence and skills in their chosen area. We so value their life skills and experience.
​Older volunteers may become Befrienders (they make fantastic grandparent role models), or perhaps prefer being a Phone Friend (an easier option, done from home, for those who have caring responsibilities themselves). We have had many current and former carers who use their experience to support another adult carer who is experiencing the same issues as themselves, but have also had successful relationships between young people paired with older carers.
​Currently our oldest volunteer is 87 - age is definitely not a barrier to volunteering!